
Tama Wig from Gin Tama


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12-09 20:19 Ashlee
okay that answered my question. I'll hopefully be placing the order for this tomorrow. Thank you so much for your time and I look forward to getting this!
12-09 20:31 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
( *^_^* )
12-09 08:35 Ashlee
Hello Cosplayfu! I have a question, I submitted this ticket back in June I've been saving for it for a while now so why does it say "Sold out" next to the processing time? Nobody else knows about this ticket but me and a few friends of mine who knew that I was going to submit this ticket. I haven't even purchased this yet. Thank you for your time!
12-09 20:07 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Ashlee, this is only the jacket, red ribbon & armband, do you mean you'd like to buy these items separately?  If so, we've set it as available now, you can order it.  n_n
*Since that is the quotation 6 months ago & no one orders it, so it was set as 'Sold Out'.  :)