
Lissa Cosplay from Fire Emblem


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09-25 06:39 Mia
The character of Lissa only appears in ''Fire Emblem Awakening''. Since there is a section for this game, should she be moved there?
09-25 21:37 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello, thanks for your message, we will check it soon.n_n
06-24 10:12 TiaLuna
Just wondering if you"ll be making the avatar coat as well? The (My Unit) Character in the game. : O I love all the Fire emblem costumes so far! great job.
06-24 21:17 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello TiaLuna, if you want it, you can try to submit a ticket to our support center and ask for a commission, our teammates will tell us if we can make it or not.