
DBZ Majin Cosplay from Dragon Ball GT: Transformation


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02-16 16:24 Lewis Bath
Hi do you have the top wig bracelets and shoes and can you make the pink tail as well.
02-16 21:57 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello, Yes, we can do that for you.
Please submit ticket (with product link & request) to our Support Center and let my teammate helps you directly.  n_n
07-09 18:30 Lewis Bath
Hey sorry to bother you but can I ask is it possible to get the top bracelets and shoes separately can you make the shoes flat heel and can they be worn everyday.
07-09 20:58 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Lewis Bath, yes, you can buy top bracelets and shoes separately, please submit ticket (with product link & request) to our Support Center and let my teammates help you directly.  n_n