
Captain America Costume from Captain America


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08-07 20:10 C.A Again
Does the jacket open like a hoodie? Up and down?
08-09 02:35 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello C.A Again, do you mean a zipper? n_n
07-31 02:27 C.Acosta
Are there any gloves that come with it or would I have to buy them separately? And if I did have to buy them separate would I be able to buy them from this online store or would I have to search for gloves from others?
08-01 22:36 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello C.Acosta, the costume isn't including the gloves, if you want, you can click on the gloves to choose which you want. n_n