
Naruto Uzumaki Cosplay (Stock) from Naruto Shippuuden


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10-28 03:47 XxKaitoxX1
ah i understand! Thank you for your time ^w^
10-28 04:45 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
You're welcome. n_n
10-28 03:10 XxKaitoxX1
Why suddenly so much longer? :O :( with other costumes it doesent take that much ekstra time? What makes this one harder? :O Sorry if i bother, im.. curious xD
10-28 04:08 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello XxKaitoxX1, normally this costume is just for fixed size, if you'd like to have it custom made, we need to arrange another production for it specially, so the processing time will be much longer, hope you can understand.