
Sailor Mars Cosplay from Sailor Moon Crystal


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02-22 10:57 Mecinze
Is the front bow purple or blue? It's supposed to be purple.
02-22 19:54 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Mecinze, it is blue, but we can change the color for you, please write it in remark box (in order form), and our tailor will adjust it for you.  n_n
*Remark message like 'I want the front bow in purple.'
09-28 20:43 Katie Tran
Hi, I was wondering if I would get the Sailor Mars from Sailor Moon Crystal cosplay in time for Halloween if I ordered it now? Thank you!
09-28 21:29 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Katie Tran, if you order standard size now and use the fastest shipping method (Premium Express, 3-6 days shipping time), it will reach you around late October.   n_n

*All shipping information (including methods, cost & estimated delivered date) will be shown in order page, before payment; you can pay extra cost to upgrade shipping method there.
*Please remember to mark down the date (you need it) in the order form when you order it. :)