
Yuki Shoes (A302) from Vampire Knight


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03-13 19:38 Kelli Chapman
Measuring the boot height is that measured from the foot to where I wish the boot to end or from the ankle? Also the measurements won't let me enter half sizes.
03-13 22:14 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Kelli Chapman, yes, the boot height measures from the ankle (the bottom of your foot) to where you'd like to stop.  Since we make the shoes by hands, so we can only make shoes size that is in integer. (like, 36 cm, but not 36.5 cm).  (n__n)
08-28 18:17 Alexa
Would it be possible for me to get the boots with laces?
08-30 03:07 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello,Alexa. thanks for your support. Could you please submit your ticket through www.cosplayfu.com/support?