
Hibiki Cosplay from The Idolmaster


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02-23 12:34 Tyson Schmidt
Hi, I have a couple of questions before buying, Are you able to make this costume out of a goldenrod-coloured polyester? Or even spandex/a thicker material so long as it isn't shiny? For reference these are some examples of the kind of material or at least the kind of colour I would be looking for: 1) http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Tumeric-stretch-spandex-Fabric-knitted-fabric-stretchy-Jersey-Fabric-Skirt-Sold-by-the-yard-Free-shipping/32434663460.html?spm=2114.40010308.4.132.oLPGJr 2) https://gyazo.com/c31c720679dc6cda2e769bd8cb0f7706 3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgH8gFx2ELw Also, is it possible you can get the necklace as well? Finally, are you able to make the pants in such a way that they hold their form? (They flare out at the bottom) Also, if you notice on the side, they also have a cream-coloured material at the bottom of the pant legs that's behind some stitching? Would that be possible as well? Sorry, I am a big stickler for details but I am willing to pay whatever price to have this done really accurately! Thank you for replying at your earliest convenience.
02-23 20:11 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Tyson Schmidt, thanks for your support to us. For your questions:

1. We can change the material in no shiny for you.

2. For the necklace, you should provide the pictures to us that we can know if it can be made for you.

3. The cream-coloured part is included.

For the all details, please submit a ticket (with your request and the pictures) to our Support Center and let my teammates help you.n_n