
Gumball Cosplay from Adventure Time


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10-03 03:51 West Smith
Would this arrive before October 31st?
10-03 04:55 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello West Smith, should be yes.  If you order it now (about 2-3 weeks making costume time) and use the fastest shipping method (Premium Express, 3-6 days shipping time), it will reach you before 31st October.   (n__n)

*All shipping information (including methods, cost & estimated delivered date) will be shown in order page, before payment; you can pay extra cost to upgrade shipping method there.
*Please remember to mark down the date (you need it) in the order form when you order it. :)
02-28 18:22 Fay
Does the cosplay come with the blue gems and the crown?
02-28 21:51 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Fay, the top & pants are included, while the blue gems are attached with the top, so that will be included.  But the crown is not included.  (n__n)